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September 8, 2024
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Information Technology

Key Skills And Knowledge To Look When Hiring React Native Developers

The rapid rise in popularity of React Native has made it one of the most sought-after skills by employers. As a result, many developers are now looking to get into this space or advance their careers in it. 

If you’re an employer who is trying to hire dedicated software developers and want to know what kind of skillset they should look for or if you’re a candidate who is looking for an opportunity where you can use your existing skillset and expand on them, this blog post will help you make that decision.

Understanding React

React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook in 2013. React Native is a framework that allows you to build native mobile apps using the same JavaScript codebase as your web app, which was built with React.

If you are looking to hire dedicated software developers, then he/she must have a proper understanding of reacting.

 For example, if you have an iOS and Android app, both apps can share the same codebase because they are built with React Native.

Understanding Native Platform

The native platform is the platform which the app is built for. Native platforms include Android and iOS platforms.

In order to use a native platform, you need to understand it as much as possible. You can do that by reading articles, and watching videos and tutorials online which will help you understand it better.

When building an app using a native platform, there are some advantages such as:

  • It does not require any third-party plugins or libraries for its operation; instead, everything runs on native code which makes your application more secure.
  • You can customise your UI according to your own preferences rather than following someone else’s design pattern.

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Multiplayer functionality

Multiplayer functionality is a common and valuable feature for mobile apps, especially those that serve as games. Multiplayer functionality allows multiple users or devices to interact with each other in real-time. This can be used to allow people who are playing the same game to compete against one another, or it can be used for cooperative play (for example, two players working together to reach the same goal).

It’s important to note that multiplayer functionality doesn’t necessarily mean multiplayer gaming; you could use it for multiplayer chatting, for example. It’s up to you and your developer how this will fit into your overall app design plan.

When looking to hire dedicated software developers with strong React Native skills, you should look out for experience with multiplayer features.

Integration capabilities

You can check for integration capabilities by asking for a list of the company’s current and past projects. You should look for evidence that the team has worked on projects involving integrations with other technologies, third-party services, mobile devices, cloud services, and more.

Always research the reputed online portals to software development companies in USA.


We’ve covered the key skills and knowledge you should look for when hiring React Native developers. Understanding React is a must-have for any candidate, but it’s not enough if their understanding of native platforms isn’t strong as well.

 Multiplayer functionality is another important skill that should be demonstrated by any developer interested in working with this platform. 

Finally, integration capabilities are crucial so your team can effectively collaborate together on projects without getting held up by communication problems between platforms or toolsets used during development time frames.


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