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July 27, 2024
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Home & Garden

The Benefits of Acoustic Insulation for Soundproofing Your Home

Homes are places where we can escape the stress and complexities of life, but sometimes that’s not always possible. If your home doesn’t have thick walls or it has bad insulation, then you’ll hear everything outside, including traffic sounds, pedestrian noises, etcetera which will make it difficult for anyone who wants some peace and -privacy in their own space. While it is difficult to escape all noise and commotion, you can reduce the disturbance by installing soundproof insulation in your home.

Canterbury Insulation has designed rubber-based acoustic membranes that can be used with most floor finishes and provide a sound-reducing resilient layer.

These acoustic membranes are intended to be part of one of Canterbury Insulation’s fully tested acoustic flooring systems to provide additional acoustic insulation that isolates sound transmission paths for a more effective solution.

These architect-grade systems are designed to give builders and contractors peace of mind that the acoustic insulation meets all standards, providing every element is installed as recommended.

Acoustic Insulation

Here’s How Acoustic Insulation Works

Adding acoustic insulation or soundproofing is the best way to keep noise from occurring. This entails applying thick layers of insulating material to the walls, ceiling, and floor, reducing the ability of sound waves to travel through objects. Fortunately, it keeps outside noise from coming in and vice versa. The external sound becomes weaker as a more insulating material is added. And once acoustic or soundproofing insulation is installed, it can benefit the homeowner in the following ways:

Give Better Privacy

The best way to get your home soundproof is by installing acoustic insulation. It prevents outside noise from coming in and keeps the noises inside a room or hall, such as talking next-door neighbour’s TV mode at full volume while trying to rest before bedtime.

Enhance Warmer Home

Soundproofing may be a type of insulation, but it’s also much more. Acoustic insulation prevents sound from transferring through walls and ceilings, so you’ll have an easier time staying warm during the winter without turning up your thermostat.

Improved Energy Efficiency

Installing acoustic insulation is a great way to reduce energy consumption and make wintertime living more comfortable. It will help maintain warmer temperatures, reducing heating costs while keeping you warm in cold weather.

Increased Property Value

Installing acoustic insulation is an excellent way to add value and improve your property’s marketability. If you have a house in the city, on the main road or busy street near the railway station, then this will be very beneficial for both its sale price and energy efficiency. Therefore, installing soundproof insulation is the first step toward making your home more comfortable and efficient.

About Canterbury Insulation:

Canterbury Installation was founded in 2012 to insulate homes in New Zealand’s Christchurch and Canterbury regions. Canterbury Insulation has chosen loose-fill dry fibre insulation as our preferred wall insulation product as technology and products have evolved.

We are the trusted insulation expert in Christchurch, with thousands of satisfied client referrals to back it up. Our expert team takes great pride in delivering high-quality customer service that you will be completely happy about from start to finish. We want you to have a seamless experience from start to finish, so we do everything in our power for this goal.

To discuss how we can help you can visit our website or follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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Phone: 0800 220 055

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