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How to Write a Compelling Meta Description?

When you’re writing a meta description, it’s important to keep in mind that you only have a limited amount of space to capture a reader’s attention. With that in mind, here are some tips by top seo company Gold Coast for how to write a compelling meta description. First, make sure your content is well written and engaging. Second, make sure your keywords are included in the description. And finally, always test your descriptions with different browsers and devices to make sure they are displaying properly.

Start with a hook

The meta description is the text that appears below your search engine results. It’s what people see when they’re looking for information on a particular topic, and you want to make sure it’s as compelling as possible.

A good way of doing this as per top seo company Gold Coast is by using a question or statement that will draw them in, such as “How do I get my dog to stop barking?” or “What happens if I eat? Too much chocolate?”

The most important thing is not just writing something interesting but also making sure it answers their questions (or at least makes them curious enough). If you can answer their question without having any idea how it might work, then chances are they’ll never click through!

Include your keyword (once)

The first line of your meta description should tell people what they’re going to get when they click on your link. Make sure that it includes a keyword (once) in the first sentence, and then repeat it throughout the rest of your description.

Here’s an example:

“Are you tired of reading boring descriptions? If so, this is the place for you.”

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Ask a question

One of the most effective ways to get people to click on your Meta description is by asking a question. Questions are more engaging than just telling them what you want them to know. They encourage readers to read further because they want the answer, and that’s what makes them valuable in SEO.

If you’re not sure how much space you should allot for your Meta description, try adding 250-300 characters at first and see if it works for you (the ideal length is between 500-700 characters). If so, go ahead and increase it based on how much content is necessary for each page or post you’re linking out from!

A good question can also help with ranking well in search engines—you’ll be able to take advantage of this if all goes well!

Keep it short and sweet (155 characters max)

The meta description is the snippet that appears under the title of a search result. It’s important because it can influence the click-through rate of your listing, and Google has even revealed that they use this information to determine whether or not you’ve paid attention to their guidelines for meta descriptions.

The best way to write your meta description as per top seo company Gold Coast is by keeping it short and sweet (155 characters max). You want people who are searching for something specific on your website—like “how do I make money online?”—to see what you have available right away when they click through from Google SERPs. This will help them decide if this page is right for them before even reading any further!


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