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Person-Centred Care: The Key Principles of Disability Support Services

In the realm of disability support services Melbourne, person-centred care has emerged as a fundamental approach to providing holistic and empowering support to individuals with disabilities. This approach places the person with a disability at the centre of decision-making, ensuring their preferences, needs, and aspirations are prioritised. 

This blog post will explore the key principles of person-centred care in disability support services. By understanding these principles, we can foster an inclusive and supportive environment that respects the dignity and autonomy of individuals with disabilities.

Respect for Autonomy and Self-Determination

Person-centred care emphasises the respect for autonomy and self-determination of individuals with disabilities. It recognises their right to make life choices and decisions, including their care and support. Disability support services should actively involve individuals in decision-making, seeking their input, preferences, and goals. 

disability support services melbourne

By respecting their autonomy and promoting self-determination, person-centred care empowers individuals with disabilities to take control of their lives and actively participate in their support plans.

Individualised Care and Support Plans

Central to person-centred care is developing individualised care and support plans tailored to each person’s unique needs and aspirations. The disability support services Melbourne should conduct comprehensive assessments to understand an individual’s strengths, abilities, challenges, and goals. Based on this assessment, a personalised plan is created, outlining the specific support services, interventions, and goals that align with the individual’s preferences and needs. This individualised approach ensures the support is tailored to the person, promoting their overall well-being and maximising their potential.

Collaborative and Participatory Approach

Person-centred care promotes a collaborative and participatory approach to providing disability support services. It recognises that individuals with disabilities are experts in their own lives and should be actively involved in all aspects of their care. This approach involves fostering open and respectful communication between individuals, their families, and support professionals. It encourages shared decision-making, active listening, and meaningful engagement, ensuring that the voices and perspectives of individuals with disabilities are heard, valued, and respected.

Flexibility and Choice

Person-centered care acknowledges that individuals with disabilities have unique preferences, interests, and needs. ndis service providers should strive to offer flexibility and choice in the types of support and services provided. This includes providing options for housing, employment, recreational activities, and social connections that align with the individual’s desires and goals. By offering a range of choices, individuals can exercise greater control over their lives, enabling them to live fulfilling and meaningful lives that reflect their own values and aspirations.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Person-centred care is an ongoing process that requires a commitment to continuous learning and improvement. Disability support services should regularly evaluate their practices, seeking feedback from individuals with disabilities, their families, and support professionals. This feedback loop helps identify areas for improvement, address concerns, and enhance the quality of support services. By fostering a culture of learning and reflection, disability support services can adapt and evolve to better meet the changing needs and aspirations of individuals with disabilities.


Person-centered care is a transformative approach to disability support services Melbourne, emphasising the rights, dignity, and autonomy of individuals with disabilities. By promoting person-centred care, we can foster meaningful and fulfilling lives for individuals with disabilities, enabling them to thrive and participate fully in their communities.

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