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July 27, 2024
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Why is CPR Training Necessary For Lifeguards?

The ability to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is a lifesaving skill that every lifeguard should know. CPR course Brisbane can be extremely beneficial for the health and well-being of the community at large. This article will explain why CPR training is necessary for lifeguards, as well as how to become a certified lifesaver.

Essential lifesaving skill

CPR course Brisbane is a lifesaving skill that has been proven to save lives. CPR is a combination of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth breathing. It’s important to know that not all types of CPR trainings are the same, so it’s important to find out which one is best for you or your loved ones.

Click here: https://www.brisbanefirstaidcourse.com.au/

There are two main types: Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS). BLS consists of basic techniques used by untrained people who witness an emergency situation where someone needs help right away.

ALS involves more advanced techniques including drug administration and defibrillation; these should only be performed by trained professionals such as paramedics or doctors because they can cause serious harm if not done correctly!

CPR course Brisbane

Quick response time

As a lifeguard, you have to be prepared for every situation. You never know when you’re going to have someone collapse in front of you or need help rescuing someone from the water.

One thing that many people don’t know about CPR is that it’s not just for heart attacks and other emergencies–CPR can also save lives after drowning incidents.

That’s why learning how to perform rescue breaths on a person who has stopped breathing is so important: they may not be able to breathe on their own yet, but giving them air will keep them alive long enough until paramedics arrive at the scene.

It’s also good practice because it requires quick thinking and good timing–you want to give enough breaths so as not to waste time waiting around but not too many that it causes injury by overstressing their lungs (which could make things worse).

Handling drowning incidents

Drowning is the leading cause of death for children under the age of five and adults over 65. Lifeguards are trained to recognise drowning incidents, rescue those who are drowning and perform CPR on them if necessary.

If you’re not confident in your ability to swim out into deep water without getting yourself into trouble (or if there aren’t enough lifeguards around), use one hand as support while reaching out with your other hand towards the victim’s ankle or foot; keep contact with him/her at all times until help arrives!

Public safety

The most important reason to get CPR training as a lifeguard is because it’s necessary for public safety. As a lifeguard, it’s your job to ensure that everyone who comes into contact with the water at your facility is safe and protected.

It’s also important that you know how to respond quickly if someone needs help in the water. That means knowing how much time has elapsed since an accident occurred, how far away from shore you are and what kind of equipment (such as a kayak) might be necessary for rescue efforts.

CPR course Brisbane is essential for lifeguards, as it can be the difference between saving a life and losing one.

By knowing how to perform the lifesaving technique and being able to react quickly in an emergency situation, you’ll be able to help others who may find themselves in need of assistance on the water or at the beach.