While 3D printing is a relatively new technology, it’s quickly becoming extremely popular. Because of this, more and more companies are investing in this technology to increase their output and decrease the costs of manufacturing their products.
However, many companies don’t realise that outsourcing your 3D printing in Dunedin services can be less expensive than doing it internally. Here are some reasons why:
Elimination of Upfront Costs
Outsourcing 3D printing services will allow you to avoid a lot of upfront costs. This is because outsourcing means that you do not have to invest in equipment, software or training for your employees. You also don’t need to worry about space for the equipment, maintenance costs or software updates.
No Need for Specialised Staff
3D printing is a technology that allows you to create objects from scratch. It’s become more accessible in recent years, but you still can’t just have anyone take on the task of 3D printing your product.
Many companies will only hire experts who have experience with this type of manufacturing process, which means that you’ll need specialised staff if you want them to do it for you.
If outsourcing your 3D printing Dunedin services makes sense for your business, then why not go all out? Instead of hiring one expert and relying on him or her alone, hire several experts at once!
This gives them more time together as a team and allows them to collaborate more efficiently since they’re familiar with each other’s work habits already.
Reduced Maintenance and Repair Costs
Outsourcing 3D printing services is more cost-effective for a number of reasons. First, 3D printing is a very precise process that requires very little maintenance.
Most companies only need to replace parts when they wear out or break down, which can be done at a much lower cost than regular maintenance on traditional manufacturing equipment.
Secondly, the lifespan of 3D printers is significantly longer than traditional manufacturing equipment because they don’t require frequent repairs or replacement parts like other machines would need after years of use.
This means that outsourcing 3D printing services will save you money in both initial investment and ongoing maintenance costs over time by reducing your total operating expenses (OPEX).
Time Savings
Outsourcing 3D printing services is a great way to save time and money. When you outsource, you eliminate the need for specialised staff, which can be difficult to find and expensive to hire.
You also don’t need to invest in expensive equipment or maintain it on an ongoing basis. This means that outsourcing saves you money by reducing maintenance costs and eliminating training requirements for new employees.
Outsourcing 3D printing Dunedin services is a great way to save time and money. You can eliminate upfront costs by outsourcing the entire process, including design, prototyping and production.
Plus, you don’t need any specialised staff because there are plenty of companies out there who specialise in this type of work!
All they require from you is an idea or concept they can bring to life–and then they take care of everything else while still meeting your budget requirements.